Pda’s and Smart Phones
PDA’s are Personal Digital Assistant that brings technology in the palm of your hand. They are also known as small or palmtop computers. They are used as mini portable computers for carrying around and working on Operating Systems (OS). Earlier PDA’s were mostly touch screen and only later turned into color. Now PDA’s have combined with mobile phone technology to give out Smart phones, which serve multiple purposes pertaining to mobile usage and even computers handling.
Smart phones have no rigid definition to their identity. A phone supporting an OS and making use of higher end applications which aren’t used by most mobile phones or combine more user friendly applications relating to entertainment or utility are considered as Smart phones. These self defined Smart phones have come a long way. E-mails and using office applications on phone have become a regular feature for these devices. They are now starting to include GPS (Global Positioning System), i.e. providing detailed map of a place in your cell. This for the first time is introduced by Nokia in India. Though GPS was not permitted in India a bill has been recently passed and the usage is now allowed. With GPS even the tiniest turn can be detected and one would not be lost in the webbed road connections of India.
Smart phones also offer enhanced entertainment options. The gaming softwares and the games they offer are far more superior to what is offered by mobile phones. The camera quality also differs drastically. The display quality of some of the Smart phones exceeds more than 3 mega pixels and offers good imaging options. The music player is also advanced and offers better quality music while termed as serious contender for mp3 player market. The phone allows usage of computer applications like viewing PDF files and even editing them. Presentations and flash can now be done on the go and there is no need to carry your laptop for the same.
These palm pda phones have a touch screen option or a facsimile keypad or QWERTY keyboard style or even can have simple keypad style to offer. These phones are usually a bit bulky as they have a large screen display. The phones are used for emailing and full options of emailing including attachment of files are included. These phones are priced beyond 12-15k and are user friendly utility cum lifestyle phones.
Mohit Sharma is a well known writer and has a expertise in writing articles on mobile store and online shopping
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