Thursday, June 12, 2008

Electricity Usage Monitor

Electricity Usage Monitor
Instead of filling your home with countles of useless widgets and gadgets why not add something that is useful for your home. What are they? Here are some examples.

1. Electricity Usage Monitor
An electricity usage monitor does what the name implies. It monitors your electronic appliances and tells you how much power they use every day so you can assess how efficient they are. You can figure out your electrical expenses by the hour, day, week, month, even an entire year. It is really an eye opener to learn what's chewing up power in your home and responsible for those insane electric bills.

Using this monitor is no hassle at all. Just plug it in for 24 hours and it will measure the total KWh for a 24 hours period. Take the result and multiply by your KWh Rate on your electric bill and that will give you the daily cost.

One excellent electricity usage monitor is P3 International Kill-a-Watt Electricity Usage Monitor. It has a large LCD display counts consumption by the kilowatt-hour and displays volts, amps, and wattage within 0.2 percent accuracy. It is designed for use with AC 115-volt appliances and it's also compatible with inverters.

2. Humidifier
When the weather is hot a lot of people turn on their air conditioner to cool their home. The problem is it will also make the air so dry it often affects your skin. Luckily there's another alternative to make your home cool during the hot days and that is a humidifier.

One recommended humidifier is the Penguin Shape Crane Adorable One Gallon Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier. It's child friendly design outputs 1 gallon per day. It is really cute and working good. It is silent and calm, very good for small rooms, great price and a reliable product. The extreme cuteness factor is really a bonus when you got kids.

Using this humidifier is fairly easy too. When you want to refill it just take off the head and turn it upside down. Refilling it takes about a minute or so. Upon refilling it, put back the small water lid then put it back to the nightstand.

3. Wireless Headphones for Television
There are times when you're watching a television program and turn up the volume and then your whole family starting to complain. If you can relate to this then you should try a wireless headphones for television. With this headphone you can listen to television at a higher volume without turning the TV louder than other people want or when other people are sleeping. It is also a perfect solution for seniors with less hearing ability. They can now hear what's going on instead of just watching the picture.

If you don't know which wireless headphones to get then try Sennheiser Rs120 926 MHz Wireless RF Headphones. It's better than the competitors because of very little to no interference even in a room where multiple electronics gadgets are working. Even if you walk around instead of sitting nicely in front of the television you can still hear the sound without any problems. The sound still comes across much like you are in a theater. It's really a nice wireless headphone.

Whizzgiz is an online electronic store where you can find lots of electronics for your home and office. Car electronics are available too.


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